Summer Break doesn't mean that you need a break from learning! Enjoy these fun activities that you can do at home. 💙🏡

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Research has shown that long-term success in mathematics is closely tied to strong number sense (Pre-K and Kindergarten), including fluency with basic facts. In first grade, the sooner your child becomes fluent with her or his addition and subtraction facts from 1-10, the better! In second grade, addition and subtraction of larger numbers will be much easier to master, and multiplication and division are easier to learn with the support of addition and subtraction fluency. Beginning in third grade, students are expected to begin recalling basic multiplication and division facts. As students get into fourth and fifth grade, these should be mastered--meaning students can fluently recall the facts and their answers.
These websites have free games and activities that cover all four operations.
Xtramath.org – timed drills with data tracking for teachers
Math Fact Drill – allows you to select operation & difficulty level
SplashLearn Math Facts – select the number of questions and timed vs. untimed
Rocket Math – Free Trial (60 days)
Math Facts Pro – the Lite Version is free (but doesn't track data)
Reflex Math – Free Trial (60 days)
Math Magician – offers fact practice with single & mixed operations
Click here for more math websites that help build fact fluency.